Wednesday, October 6, 2010


{one} grilled or fried?
fried foods!

{two} if you could change one thing about where you live, without worrying about money, what would you change?

my bedroom. i've always wanted a matching bedroom set and we definitely need a new bed/mattress.

{three} what is your favorite time of day?
night/after work. the time when i get to sit in front of the tv and do whatever i want

{four} what’s your favorite cereal?

it changes but right now it's Wegmans oatmeal clusters.

{five} do you open your mouth when you put mascara on?

i'm sure i do.

{six} if you could make any fictional character come to life, which would it be?
this is tough. i'll have to get back to you on that.

{seven} what are your favorite pizza toppings?

{eight} are you a heavy or a light sleeper?
when i'm stressed i'm a light sleeper, otherwise heavy.

{nine} what is your favorite board game?


{ten} what star/celebrity do most people say you look like?

i’ve heard Kate Hudson. I like to think i look like Carrie Underwood ha!

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